
What is a bond?
This bond guarantees the repair of damages caused by an employee committing a crime (theft, fraud, breach of trust and embezzlement) against property that is owned by the employer.
- Single.
- Cedula.
- Global collective.
- Global.
- Global excess.
- Unique amount for sellerss.
It guarantees the obligations by individuals under a legal proceedings or pursuant to the legal resolutions.
- Judicial Penitentiary.
- Judicial Civil.
- Judicial of legal protection for drivers of automotives.
To guarantee the fulfillment of obligations between two parties that have entered into contracts that must be guaranteed for security and trust on both sides.
- Contest or bidding.
- Advance payment.
- Legal compliance
- Good quality.
- Raffles.
- Tax interest for nonconformity and employer employer fees.
- Payment agreement in installments.
- Import and temporary export.
- Concessions, permits, patents and authorizations.
Credit and Guaranty Trust
They guarantee the payment of the acquired credit commitments (That are authorized by the Federal Law of Bonding Institutions).
- Supplies.
- Trading.
- Financial.
- Related to bond policies.
- Purchase - Sale.
Bonding company
Are those institutions authorized by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit whose purpose is to grant bonds for consideration and the practice of re-entrenchment operations.
What is it for?
Acquire a bond is to give certainty and caution against an economic risk, peace of mind that the obligations of a contract are met, although there is a risk that the contractor (fiado) can not meet them. The bonds protect the beneficiaries of a contract and expedite financial operations that require a guarantee.
Operations that require bonds
- Advance payment.
- Compliance with contracts.
- Offers in tenders and contests.
- The payment of all or part of the debt contracted for credit obligations.
- Legal issues
The hiring of a bond guarantees the fulfillment of the stipulated payment between 2 people, since the bond allows to have a certain amount of money in case the person who contracted the bond fails to pay, the affected party may request the payment company to pay the contract and the surety or guarantor will deliver the amount stipulated in the bond document.
To be able to request a bail document, you must have a real estate with a similar value but not less than the amount for which the contract was established, otherwise you must have a person with property, the real property will remain under guarantee.
The guarantee of the guarantee is achieved by paying a premium, which is the amount that must be granted for the acquisition of a bond policy, which includes administrative expenses, taxes and a profit margin for the company.
Personas Fisicas
- Copy of proof of income.
- Copy of official identification with signature, of the applicant and joint obligor (s).
- Copy of the R.F.C. and / or C.U.R.P.
- Proof of address.
- Copy of property deeds free of charge (property of the applicant or a third party).
- Certificated of assessment fredom.
- Copy of the last payment of the property payment.
- Copy of the marriage certificate (in case of being married).
- Request and sign "multiple consolidation agreement".
Personas Morales
- Copy of official identification with signature, of the applicant and joint obligor (s).
- Copy of the R.F.C. and / or C.U.R.P.
- Proof of address.
- Copy of financial statements signed in original no greater than 3 (three) months.
- Copy of the marriage certificate (in case of being married).
- Copy of deeds of immovable property free of charge (if required).
- Copy of the last payment of the property payment.
- Copy of deeds of immovable property free of charge (if required).
- Certificate of freedom of encumbrance (not greater than 3 months).
- Request and sign "multiple consolidation agreement".
Meet the following criteria
- Financial statements signed in original no greater than 3 (three) months.
- Annual statement / opinion of last year.
- Copy of identification of the legal representative or sole administrator and joint obligor (s) (if required).
- Certificate of the R.F.C.
- Proof of address.
- Copy of the constitutive act, modifications and powers for acts of administration and domain (protocolized).
- Copy of registration with the Hacienda
- Copy of property deeds free of charge (value 2 to 1 on the amount secured, if required)
- Certificate of freedom of encumbrance (not greater than 3 months)
- Copy of the marriage certificate of the joint obligor (s) physical person (s), in case of being married.
- Request and sign "multiple consolidation agreement"