Cyclist Insurance

Why buy car insurance in Mexico?
In Mexico there are more than 20 million bicycles, and it is estimated that this number will increase even more. The vast majority of these vehicles are used as a work tool and another large percentage for recreational, health or even environmental care purposes.
Not only cars require insurance
The cyclist has to avoid daily endless obstacles in their daily journey, from potholes to motorized vehicles that put their integrity at risk.
Not only cars require insurance.
Always keep in mind that you must take all precautions when driving your bicycle, no matter if it is to go to work or to take a relaxing walk, check the condition of your bike and safety equipment.
As a tool for your wellbeing we offer you the insurance for cyclists; a simple insurance with a wide coverage that protects you and gives you assistance services.
Dynamic protection
With an insurance for cyclists you can count on coverage against injuries in the event of an accident, damages caused to third parties and your vehicle and even death coverage.